We offer well-tried multilingual components.
Adjust the software to seamlessly follow your companies process. IC2 develops Windows software, websoftware and apps which can work together.
Our ERP solutions are multi lingual and are installed on multiple continents. Our solutions are very flixble because they are not depending on the limitations which are characteristic for the large ERP suppliers.
Some of our solutions are CRM/ERP program iConnect, software for vessel maintenance, catering, transport companies, testing organisations.
Apps for Windows devices; smartphones
An example is a Photo tracking app to add photo's of cargo to transport files in real time so the client can directly see their cargo.
For Windows 10 /11/Windows 10 Phone you can download the 365xDuurzaam app) for free in the store.
Handy Windows tools
IC2Backup, PhotOrganize
For Windows Pc's and servers IC2 offers a fast and practical backup program IC2Backup, a program to organise, present and edit photos/photoinformation PhotOrganize and more.
Verkrijgbaar via de eigen websites of de Microsoft Store.
Tips & reviews
Here you can find our tips and reviews off accommodation, airline companies etc. we used or visited.
System management
Very fast support

Knowledge of systems, but also: knowledge of your company and employees.
Van IT naar Idee
(Dutch publication)

Dick van Kooten has written the book Van IT naar Idee.
Webwereld and Computerwereld

Dick van Kooten has written many articles and books. For example the major Ditch news site or IDG's Webwereld and Computerwereld.
Caring for Wildlife
We help Wildlifecare Downunder with a website
We stayed in the cottage on the property of Helene and Manfred. We quickly noticed this special couple dedicates their live to animals. They have created a beautiful surrounding for all kinds of animals, but more specific they built this wild life care center. We can see this costs a lot of time and money. Concerning the first we cannot help, but concerning the second we immediately decided to help to raise money to feed the animals taken in by creating a website.
You can help by giving a donation